
Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Pests from Making Your Elmhurst Home Their Own


For a lot of homeowners, spring is the time to take measures to prevent pests. That is why many undergo spring cleaning to reduce potential infestations. Several pests can carry diseases and become a nuisance in your house. This makes it important to take steps to inspect, prevent, and clean your home properly. Also, you need to invest in professional Elmhurst pest control if you are trying to eliminate a current infestation. Below are spring cleaning tips that can help you maintain a pest-free environment. 

Get Rid of Clutter

Any clutter in your house can offer a breeding ground for many types of pests. Getting rid of clutter prevents pest invasions. By storing items away such as tools, clothes, and toys, you deprive pests of hiding spots and roosting places. Before you start spring cleaning, sort through the clutter and discard, donate, and organize. This minimizes mess and makes it easier to clean your house when spring arrives. Decluttering not only makes your house less attractive to pests but also improves the quality of indoor air. 

Check the Wires

wire-damaging pests

Spring cleaning can be the best time to check your house for areas that can attract pests including your wires. To avoid wire-damaging pests, examine the power cords and cables, paying attention to frayed edges or gnaw marks. 

Also, check that the cords are tightly secured in walls and well-insulated. Damage to such wires should be repaired by an electrician right away. A few inspections during spring cleaning can help keep your house free of unwanted guests. 

Cut Off Access to Food

Giving pests access to food will lead to increased pest activity in your house. In fact, this can draw new unwanted visitors to your place. Thus, you should avoid this when dealing with a pest control problem. to make sure you don’t unintentionally feed pests, clear the countertops and the sink of crumbs and scraps. Also, make sure to sweep the floor frequently. Make sure to take out your trash regularly and use garbage cans with tight lids outdoors. In addition, be mindful of pet food left out on the patio or porch. You may want to move pet dishes indoors. 

Seal Entry Points

An important part of eliminating pest access to your house is sealing cracks, gaps, and crevices. This way pests cannot enter your space. This should be done using steel wool, caulking, weatherproofing strips, and foam sealants. Before you seal, inspect the walls from both inside and outside for tiny holes and bigger gaps around door and window frames. Also, check out areas where wires and pipes enter or exit structures. Pests can use these places to access your living space. Sealing tiny openings can save you money and time down the road by preventing pests from infesting your home.

Tags : Elmhurst pest controlSpring cleaningtypes of pestswire-damaging pests