
Jordan Jenny


6 Things to Consider Before Investing in Real Estate For the First Time

Real estate has always emerged as the safest investment option. As the value of real estate does not depreciate, people have been keen to make high investments in  housing market crash platform of   the real estate industry.Investment in real estate has huge potential to grow over the period and earn your a good amount of regular income.

The rental that you can earn from real estate in Malta would help you in repaying the home loans. You do not have to burden yourself when you invest in real estate. Additionally, real estate also serves as an asset, which the forthcoming generations can inherit from their parents.

Things You Should Ascertain Before Investing In Real Estate

As a beginner, any investor can get carried away and make the wrong decisions. If you keep the following things in mind, the risk factor would be less.

  • Check For Proper Registrations– If the property is authorized, it would have a registration number issued by the Government. You should check whether the real estate has been registered. You can get the property verified by the authorized agents of the Government.
  • Establish A Budget– Before you start searching for real estate to invest in, you should decide on the budget. You should keep the budget within your loan repayment capacity so that you are not deprived of your essential needs.
  • Consider Having A Long-Term Perspective– It would be wise to choose a location that is close to various amenities like schools, hospitals, malls, and transport. Such properties would earn you a high rate of return in the long run as they have a higher re-sale value.
  • Be Thoughtful About Your Investment– Always be clear in your mind whether you want to earn a rental or re-sale the property that you are purchasing now. When you know about the purpose, you can judge the property in a better way and take the right decision.
  • Check The Tax Benefits– There are various tax benefits set by the Government on home loans. You should be aware of these tax benefits so that you can save some of your hard-earned money.
  • Decide The Lender Sensibly– Before applying for the home loans, check the features online, and compare the interest rates. Before deciding on the lender, search for the best offer from the major banks of your country.

You should be able to avoid such real estate investments that offer no returns. If you do not have, prior experiences in real estate take the help of the agents. To be on the safe side, investing in real estate in Malta would be a smart move.

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Home improvement

3 Most Intriguing Canadian Commercial Properties Designed by Industrial Architects 

A commercial building is more than brick and mortar. It’s the design and the layout that are the souls of such big structures. A single error in calculation can ruin the entire practical outcome. And the people who are responsible for ensuring that there’s not a single error in the layout are commercial architects. These are the pros that are responsible for curating the design of the property before it can be practically constructed. The design aka the blueprint, thus, holds the key:

  • To how good or bad the building will look. 
  • To how spacious and practical the design will be upon execution. 

Evidently, everybody wants to be able to own commercial properties that are well-structured, well-planned, spacious, and unique. If you’re one of those people, then you need to be very aware of the roles of an architect since these are able to determine if an architect is worth your trust. And the roles that we’re talking about are as follows. 

  • The architect should get their designs approved by the government. 
  • The architect should be able to predict the approximate construction cost. 
  • The architect must oversee the work on the construction site so that their design is replicated in brick and mortar without any glitches. 

That said, 3 such Canadian buildings that are absolute beauties have been listed below. 

  1. Data Center in Montreal Metropolitan Area, Quebec

The Stendel Reich data center architect is a dream project that was completed in 2016. 

  • This is 109,000 sq.ft. property with a 35,000 sq.ft. cleanroom.
  • The distribution center is built to be spacious enough to accommodate any number of new automated devices for the next 2 decades. 

With a construction cost of $80,000,000, this commercial building has one of the best architecture globally. 

  1. Provigo Distribution Center in Quebec

This is one of the biggest distribution centers that is a successful food store chain. Completed in the year 2004 at the cost of $55,000,000, this distribution center still, till date:

  • Has its design in accordance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
  • Has one of the biggest freezer spaces, 55,000 sq. ft., in the entire vicinity. 
  1. Sporting in Kirkland, Quebec

Completed in the year 2018, this sports store was built as an imminent part of a power shopping complex. Constructed on 50,000 sq. ft. – with 38,540 sq. ft. ground area and 14,577 sq. ft. upper floor – this one was built in an entire budget of $10,400,000.

All in all, the only reason that these complexes became some of the best architectural marvels in the country was the fact that they were planned by experienced architects. So, if you’re interested in such complexes too, then be very selective when hiring an architect to create a blueprint layout plan. 

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